Hello, i have just opened my website on the phone and when i click on the menu icon to expand the menu, it doesn’t open up. Could you please tell me if I have set something wrong?
I have two more questions regarding the menu(when I browse on the laptop). I hope you can help me out again.
1) Could you please me how do I make the background color of each menu item change when I hover over the menu?
2) If you hover over the ‘Gallery’ tab, you can see that the width of the words in the drop-down is much longer than the background grey area. How do I make the grey area the same size as the text?
Earlier the text was showing up in two lines so I made a change in the style.css file. This made the text perfect but not the background color.
Here is the code I changed (I changed the width to 200%)
.main-navigation ul ul a {
border-bottom: 0px;
border-left: medium none;
border-right: medium none;
box-shadow: none;
font-size: 15px;
height: auto;
padding: 9px 15px;
text-align: left;
width: 200%;
Hello, I had a plugin which was blocking a proxy ip. Maybe that was the problem. Please let me know if you can access my website now.
I tried to attach a picture here to show you the problem but couldn’t do so.
The text is the dropdown is longer than the background. Please let me know how to fix that. Also, the background color change of the menu on hover.
Thank you in advance