Hi @Anderson,
To reduce the white space between the images on the home page, please follow the below steps:
1. Log in to the admin area of your site
2. Go to “Appearance >> Customize >> Additional CSS”
3. Add the below CSS rules to the input of “Additional CSS”:
.education-our-team-section .our-team-wrapper .inner-wrapper,.education-gallery-section .gallery-wrapper .inner-wrapper{margin: 0 -5px;}
.education-our-team-section .our-team-wrapper .inner-wrapper .our-team-item{padding: 0 5px;margin-top: 0;}
.education-gallery-section .gallery-wrapper .inner-wrapper .gallery-item {padding: 0 5px;margin-bottom: 10px;margin-top: 0;}
This should give you the look you need. You can tweak the values as you feel necessary.
Thank you
Team ProDesigns Themes