eC-Gem: Featured Category

Home Support eCommerce Gem eC-Gem: Featured Category

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  • #18133

    I’ve currently got this widget on the home screen and its defaulted to 4 rows on desktop and single rows on mobile devices.
    Is there a way to change this so when on a mobile device they are displayed in 2 rows.
    Don’t mind increasing the number of rows on desktop as a sacrifice if needed.


    Hello There!

    Hope you are doing good!

    To change the number of slides on the mobile screen you need to make changes in theme core files by following the details mentioned below

    edit file: includes/widgets/featured-categories.php

    Search for code

        'breakpoint' => 479,
        'settings'   => array(
       	'slidesToShow'     => 1,
       	'slidesToScroll'=> 1,

    and update it to

        'breakpoint' => 479,
        'settings'   => array(
       	'slidesToShow'     => 2,
       	'slidesToScroll'=> 2,

    Hope this helps!

    Have a great day ahead!

    Team ProDesigns

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