Hi @Daniela
The page you mentioned ie https://blog.fas-stuttgart.de/schule-blog-artikel/, is not a category listing page.
If you were to go to your site’s home page and scroll to the post “Und wenn mein Kind nur spielt? Lernwege an der FAS”, you shall see the name of the category “Schule” above the title. On clicking the link “Schule” the category listing page for school ie https://blog.fas-stuttgart.de/category/schule/, will be loaded as per the design on our demo.
The part you need to change is that to display the category listing as per our theme’s design you would need to use the actual category listing page ie https://blog.fas-stuttgart.de/category/schule/.
If you have the need to have a custom URL for a category listing page, then using the plugin is correct. Though the list generated by the plugin will not be consistent with our theme’s designs and would require customization.
Hope it solved your query.
Thank you
Kind Regards,
Support Team
Promenade Themes